I am 20 weeks pregnant! I can't believe i'm halfway through this pregnancy already and that in 4 1/2 short months we will be parents! Things are definitely going to start kicking into high gear now. Today we went for our mid-pregnancy ultrasound and we got to see little Blinn again! Mostly this appointment is to measure everything on the baby and take about a billion pictures of all its organs and such, but we also got to find out the sex!! Sorry its still a secret for now :) Baby Blinn was wiggling like crazy but they were also hiding behind my belly button a lot of the time, so after a walk, poking myself in the stomach and trying to boss around my unborn child, the technician finally got the pictures she needed. We even got to see little Blinn sticking its tongue out and sucking its thumb!
Next week I get to head back East to see all my wonderful family and friends and have a Gender Reveal/Baby Shower!! I'm so glad that I will get to share a little bit of this crazy journey with everyone we love. Our wonderful friends are already starting to send us baby gifts and its seriously the most exciting thing. I'm pretty sure the second I get home i'm going to want to set up the nursery and play with everything. I mean 3 months isn't too early to have everything ready right?!
Also, for those of you that don't know, Mark will become an instructor after he graduates school in November which means we will get to stay in this lovely desert wasteland of hell for another 3 years. (I'm trying to be positive I swear) It's definitely not our first choice, it's kind of an awful place and we are so far from our families, but I will get to stay home and be a full time mommy to our little one which has always been a dream of mine. And speaking of being half-way done with things, in October I will be half way done with my time as a Marine wife. The countdown will be begin to October 2017 when we can finally move home!
So that's what is going on with us, trying to stay cool and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little one!