It seems as though I've been very busy with a whole lot of nothing the last few months, summer has a way of sweeping you up into a time warp. Now that fall is here (the season, not the weather) I'm becoming busy with actual things but its making me much more focused and organized. We've got some great stuff to look forward to in the next few months. And we had a great thing happen last month, Mark was selected for promotion! So sometime next year, he will become a staff sergeant (E-6) which is so exciting! In part, this promotion means we get to move into a nice three bedroom house on base so Jackson and I can be closer to our friends and activities. Mark really loves his job here, has worked exceptionally hard and has been given the opportunity to really thrive in his various roles. I am so proud of how well he is doing and that he earned this promotion.
Next week, we will celebrate four years of marriage! I cannot believe how fast the time since our wedding has flown by. Adding Jack to our family this year has been a test and a testament to our relationship and i'm happy to say we still like each other most days. Instead of gifts we like to try and go on a trip together to celebrate our anniversary. This year we are heading to the Grand Canyon! I haven't been since I was little and Mark has never been, so it will be exciting to experience a beautiful new place together. Our mini traveller will be coming along of course and I'm a little nervous about the 5+ hour car ride, but I'm trying to stay positive :) Stay tuned for lots of pictures!
And probably the biggest deal in our house lately; Jackson is mobile! In the last few weeks he has started crawling like crazy and walking along everything. He also has taken his first few unassisted steps going between mommy and daddy! Child proofing has happened and still I spend my entire day following him around pulling him away from things and saying "no". It is beyond amazing to see him making these huge developmental leaps. He also has started "talking" so much more! He has added consonants like B, P, and something that sounds like K or G or T, of course we've been failing miserably at getting him to say mama or dada.
So life is busy in a normal, happy kind of way. And i'm looking forward to that continuing in the next months. After our anniversary, its Jackson's first Halloween then my parents will be back to visit the first week in November. Then its Marks [30th!] birthday and his mom will be here to visit, the Marine Corps Ball and Thanksgiving round out November. Then somehow it will be December already and my baby will be one! We've got plans to spend a bunch of time home with our families for Christmas and New Years and then hopefully moving on base when we get back! I love Fall and the holidays that are around the corner, the weather is even starting to cooperate here in the desert! So happy fall y'all, hope its filled with happy things :)