I fell off the face of the blog earth for a while because we've had a wile few months. November was filled with family visits, celebrating Mark's 30th, the Marine Corps Ball, Thanksgiving, sickness and getting reading to move. Then December was moving, more sickness, our baby turning one and a big trip home to see our families for the holidays! Which brings us to January and 2016! And we're all sick again already, I blame 14 hours of travel across the country and a one year old who has no concept of personal space and likes to put things in his mouth. Anyway, here we are, settled in our new home that I will dedicate a post to soon with pictures, and now we are trying to get back into some sort of routine.
But the real topic I wanted to write about was my son's new found toddler ways, my epic parenting win, and a serious ego check.
So Monday night I made some scrabbled egg cups to prepare for the week. We hadn't been eating great over the holidays and I wanted to get back into some better habits. Also Jackson is starting to wean himself but isn't taking to cow or almond milk so I want to make sure he's getting everything he needs from his food. So I make these egg cups, that Jackson has loved in the past and they are packed with good stuff (eggs, turkey sausage, spinach, green onion, cheese) great easy way to get the kid to eat a good breakfast. So Tuesday morning he eats a whole egg cup and a bunch of grapes! Look at me! My kid is eating so well! I am super-mom! He does ok with his food for the rest of the day, cheese, a whole pear, avocado, a pouch with spinach and kale in it, yogurt, and a few bites of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Fast forward to this morning, I cut up some more avocado and another egg cup, while thinking smugly to myself that he will love this and have such an awesome balanced diet. Well Jackson basically said a big old yeah right mom! He ate 1/4 of an avocado and 6 bites of toast with butter. He wouldn't touch the freaking egg! I'm a failure, and my kid is going to starve! Feeding toddlers is impossible! Thankfully about an hour later he ate most of a banana, two mini pancakes and half a box of raisins. So maybe he'll live another day after all.
We have officially entered the world of toddlerhood, and I can tell its going to be a wild ride. I will also do an update soon on all the perfect and wonderful things my genius child can do. But actually most days I feel like i'm living with a tiny Tasmanian devil who runs around throwing things, pooping and yelling in Chinese.