28 weeks in and a little under 12 weeks until the little man is scheduled to arrive, and I am caught between desperately wanting everything to be done and ready and for him to be here, and wanting time to freeze because I am terrified of how much life is going to change. It's a crazy feeling knowing there is this imaginary finish line that is actually just the starting line for something much bigger that has no finish line. Impending motherhood is making me very philosophical and wise...moving on.
For me this week is about appointments, and torturous ones at that. I had to have another ultrasound to recheck some things, and as great as it is to see Jackson swimming around, moving his arms and legs and opening his mouth, I also believe that ultrasounds are designed to test a pregnant woman's will to live. They make you drink 36 ounces of water and you CANNOT go to the bathroom for 2 HOURS! By this point in the pregnancy you've got about a 3 pound kid sitting on your bladder and kicking you whenever he damn well pleases. And its the miracle of life and blah blah blah, but seriously I have to pee! So the technician starts showing me all the adorable things my baby is doing and my darling husband starts asking what organ that little white blob is and everything is great because they aren't about to burst and don't have someone pushing gel around their belly with a blunt cold object. Anyway, the appointment ended and I finally got to relieve myself and all was again right with the world. By the way, Jackson has graduated from looking like a baby dinosaur to more like a baby monkey, and he was grabbing his toes and is just the cutest in-utero baby ever (obviously). Tomorrow the torture continues with my glucose test! I get to go drink a bottle of syrup and then sit in a waiting room for an hour so that they can watch me and make sure I don't pass out or something and then I get to have blood work, yay! After that lovely experience I will get to go see my regular OB for my routine 28 week appointment and to go over the results of the ultrasound.
In other news, the numbers on the scale are climbing scarily high, although they say i'm doing great and am on target to be in the normal range. But still, yikes! The numbers are probably related to the fact that I have an appetite like a football player, I amaze even myself with my ability to eat. Which brings us to the indigestion, a super fun symptom that makes evenings so comfortable. To counteract all of that I am taking yoga at least twice a week and the weather is cooling down so I can go for walks again!! The break from the heat is seriously a god send because this mama was starting to get really miserable. The mornings are now a gorgeous 65-75 degrees so I can spend them on the patio with the pup and my one cup of coffee per day. Its sunny and there is a breeze and its doing amazing things for my attitude about this hell hole of a desert town that we live in. My husband still thinks i'm crazy for one reason or another on a daily basis, but we are trying to fill our remaining time as a twosome with fun activities so that we can have fond memories to look back on in 3 months when we aren't sleeping or speaking to each other due to lack of said sleeping and all the crying and pooping we will be dealing with. Also, both mothers are coming to visit this month to try and squeeze in a little alone time with their babies before the babies have a baby of their own. It will be fun to have the grandmas here to see the nursery and help get us ready with any preparations and to enjoy some mom time.
Another fun little tidbit, I have been playing all sorts of music around the house for Jackson to hear and haven't had much response. A few days ago, Mark was making a playlist for the gym and started playing 2pac, the kid went nuts. Apparently we have a tiny gangster in our future.
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