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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Toes and Teeth and No Sleep

Jackson is 5 months old! I cannot believe how fast time is flying by.  I'm sure i've said it before(and will say it again), but this is my favorite age! Well parts of it anyway.  He is such a happy little boy! Smiling and laughing like crazy, recognizing people more and playing with everything.  He wants to grab absolutely everything, and then put it directly in his mouth, then throw it on the ground and start all over again.  He has discovered that his toes can go in his mouth as well, and he loves having his feet tickled.  He loves kisses, which is good because he gets about a million a day, and laughs like crazy when you give his belly raspberries. He holds on to our arms or shirts when we carry him around and he's starting to try and do little baby crunches to pull himself up to sit.  He "talks" constantly, always yelling and making noise.  we're going to be in trouble when he actually learns to speak. I don't know how its possible but i'm still falling more in love with my little guy every day.

The not so great parts about this 5 month milestone is that Jack is teething!  Its such a mystery to figure out what is going on in that little body of his and how to make him feel better.  But when he started chomping on fingers and crying like a dolphin, we figured it out!  Thank god for tylenol to get us through our sailing trip in the Caribbean! Also up next for us is sleep training.  After months of him only waking up once a night or not at all, he has started waking up 3 and 4 times a night.  He only wants to nurse to fall asleep and his napping is all messed up.  I don't blame him after traveling all over for 2 weeks and having his schedule all screwed up.  I've started researching sleep training methods, because i'm just not sure I can handle listening to him cry it out.  I know everyone has an opinion on how to get a baby to self-soothe, and i'm still working on mine.  We'll just have to see what works for us because we definitely both need more sleep!

I'm also spending the next few weeks reading up on making baby food! Next month we will talk to the doctor and then start on trying some different foods! I can't wait to see how Jackson will react to his first tastes of fruits and vegetables and i'm really excited to get to make them myself.  So its a month of learning and growing in the Blinn house and we are having a great time with (mostly) all of it!

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