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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Two Year Old Jackson

One of the big reasons I love this blog is being able to look back and read what Jackson was doing at different ages.  And there are definitely things I want to remember about this age.

At two years and 4 months, my little guy is a feisty one!  He talks in full sentences and has started trying to use such grown up words.  He listens and repeats everything and is constantly asking "why?" or what's this?" or "what are you doing?" We talk a lot throughout the day, and occasionally I long for those days when his vocabulary wasn't quite so good ;)  But I am so proud of him, he is incredibly smart and intuitive.  He describes things as being beautiful, delicious

or amazing, he thinks every time we go somewhere its an "adbenture" which he always has to shout.  He says things like "no thanks, i'm cool" and tells me i'm his best friend.  He repeats the not so good stuff too, which is like having a giant parenting mirror in my face.  Last week he was playing by himself and started sternly asking his toys "do you hear me?!" When asked a question he likes to think about it, "ummm nope" and sometimes he drops everything and says "oh, I gotta go get something real quick" and then runs into the other room, pumping just one arm with a smug look on his face.  It makes me laugh every time.  And he can say the Pledge of Allegiance! Hearing a two year old try to say indivisible is probably the cutest thing ever.

He's afraid of a lot of things right now, which we are working on.  Loud noises startle him and he usually comes running to me telling me something is scary.  When I tell him that something isn't scary, just loud, he laughs and says "Oh yeah! Not scary! Thats just loud!" He also doesn't really like big slides at the moment.  He loves Harley, but tries to drag him around and take him for 'walks' around the house.  He always wants to play fetch with him but usually just ends up yelling at Harley to go get the ball and then he goes and gets it himself.  He adores his daddy, wants to follow him everywhere and do everything just like he does.  He pretends to mow the lawn and fix the car almost daily.  He says no, a lot. Its one of the biggest things I am working on right now, trying not to say it to him as much, and trying not to get so annoyed when he says it to me.  I have tried really hard to talk to Jackson like he's a whole person for most of his life, which I like to think has helped with his verbal skills and independence.  But man is that independence hard at times, and it can feel like I created my own little monster.

He is definitely not lacking for personality and right now he is doing everything he can to find himself and test his boundaries.  He's completely exhausting and frustrating, but wonderful and hilarious.

(Forcing me to hold onto his foot)

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