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Friday, June 30, 2017

mommy-ing aint easy

Have you ever had one of those days, as a mom or at work, at school or home, where you just wanted to run screaming from the building and go hide somewhere by yourself for a while? Where your kid, or your boss, teacher or parent won't leave you alone, and you feel like you can't do anything right?  At home I would hide in my room or go for a drive, in college I would skip a class, at work I would take a walk or a personal day.  But as a mom?  You don't have those options.

I've always know I wanted to be a mom and as I got older I hoped I would get the chance to be a stay at home mom for a while.  I wanted to be there for all the little things, I wanted to drive kids to school and sports and be there at the end of the day to do pick up and snack and homework. My mom had a job that allowed her to be home with me during the week when I was little and I couldn't imagine doing anything else with my own children.  But man, some days I honestly think I am not cut out for this. Which probably isn't what i'm supposed to say, but its the truth.

Don't get me wrong, I of course adore my child, and I wouldn't trade these last two and a half years with him.  I have gotten to witness all of his major milestones, I know everything he likes and doesn't like, I know his capabilities, things he needs to work on, his routines, and every single detail of every single day.  And some days, even just writing that sentence is exhausting.  I would be sad if I didn't know any one of those things, but with those things also comes the tantrums, and the testing of limits, the tears and the 743 requests for tv shows or snacks.  There are the days when we don't get to shower or eat a full meal because you have a small child literally attached to you all day having a meltdown every five minutes and needing more attention than you can give.

I'm saying, its ok! Moms are SO hard on themselves sometimes, an unfortunately hard on other moms too.  Stop that.  We're all doing the best we can and we need support not more judgment, I promise we are already second guessing everything we do.

So here's to you momma.  The mom who hasn't showered or put on a bra.  The mom who fed her kid packaged food all day because they refused anything else.  Heres to the mom who left the tv on all day, or who hid in the bathroom a little too long.  To the mom who called her friends and dragged the kids to the park so she could half ignore them while she had an adult conversation.  Heres to the moms that have it all together, wearing make up and clean clothes and eating organic everything.  And heres to the moms who haven't brushed their teeth.  Here's to the fun moms and the neurotic moms, the anxious moms, and the moms who feel like they're failing.  You are all beautiful, powerful, incredible women.  You're doing the best you can for your kid and I promise, they love you for it.

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