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family picture

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dear Husband

I'm not sure if you will ever see this because you have readily admitted that you don't read my blog. But I will write it none-the-less because our life, and our love, deserves to be documented.  I want to remember this time, how I felt and how we were.

We are going through another big transition, after getting married and having a baby this one is the biggest, and I think maybe the scariest for you.  The fears you are facing and sacrifices you are making do not go unnoticed.  This is what marriage vows are written for, this is the better and worse, the fine line between richer and poorer, we've even had the sickness and health.  This is taking a leap of faith and holding onto each other desperately so if we fall at least we will still be together at the bottom.

I want you to know that I am so thankful for everything you have done and everything you are doing. I am so proud of the work you have done, the way you have handled yourself and I am so excited to see where you go next.  I have nothing but faith in you.  Faith in your determination and work ethic, faith in your love for me and our son, and faith in your drive to do what is best for all of us. Thank you for all the support you continue to give, I hope you feel just as supported and cared for by me.

Theres a whole bunch of not so good stuff too, nagging and stress, irritation and anxiety, incessant questions and disagreements.  And I love you through all of them. I love you even though the days and our to-do lists seem so long, and our patience is sometimes a little too short.  I love you through the tears, mostly Jacksons and a few of mine.  I love you through the hours of paperwork and projects and cleaning.  At the end of the day I take such comfort in our unconditional commitment to each other and the fact that we still want to go to bed next to each other.

Cheers to us, my darling, and this wild, beautiful adventure we are on together.  I couldn't do it with anyone but you.

All my love,
Your wife

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